Thursday, 17 August 2017


Game of thrones thrives on complex characters. Many a times it becomes difficult for the viewer to decide who the bad guy is. But since season 1, there is one existence that has always been portrayed as the big bad – Night king and the white walkers.

Thousands of years ago, first men came to Westeros from Essos and inhabited it. They began cutting down trees to form establishments. However, it didn’t go well with the original inhabitants of Westeros. The children of the forest worshipped these trees and couldn’t stand by, as the first men mercilessly destroyed them. This led to an open war between the two species.

As the war dragged on, children of the forest began losing and realized that they needed a weapon against their fight with the first men. In their desperations to prevent the Weirwoods trees and their species from becoming extinct, they created the first white walker. The aim of this first white walker was to fend of humanity and save nature. But along the road, something happened and the white walkers went rogue, destroying everything in their path and bringing the long night with them. Soon they were unstoppable. Everyone believed the end of the world is evident.

Then, a hero emerged. Various legends speak of a hero that rose and defeated the Night king and the white walkers and brought dawn to the world. There are several accounts of this hero that differ from each other and after 8000 years later, all that is left of him and the long night is a myth. No one knows what actually happened or who this hero was.

But what if the people who did know what happened and who this hero was left clues about the truth? The people being the children of the forest and the first men?

In episode 4 of season 7, Jon and Daenerys descended down to the cave below Dragonstone and saw symbols and drawing made by the children of the forest during or after the long night. Most people thought that they were random symbols, whose significance we might see in future or that they were just a way to show Dany that the children of the forest and the first men fought the white walkers together. But what if there were some huge hints in this cave that we all missed at first glance?

1)    The identity of the legendary hero revealed!?

 When we saw Jon showing Dany the drawings of first men and the children of the forest, we believed it was just random drawings showing how they both joined hands. But on a closer examination, we found the shocking revelation that the identity of the hero might have been given away. And it is not what most people think.

Notice how the leftmost man is holding the weapon which is presumably a dragon glass dagger in his left hand while the other two are wielding it in their right?

Now look closely on the right hand of the left most man. See a line between the hand and the arm? And how the hand itself looks a little weird? Like a prosthetic hand has been attached to his right arm? Doesn’t it sound a lot like someone we know? In our previous blog, we showed how there are numerous hints that can be used to predict that Jamie Lannister is going to be the prophesied hero and how Azor Ahai actually means “golden hand”

Now think about it. If Azor Ahai was “golden hand” then that would mean he would have had a fake golden hand originally, right? Well this drawing of the first men proves just that. This confirms Azor Ahai reborn is in fact going to be Jamie Lannister. Check out the link to our previous post where we showed how the prophecy refers to Jamie Lannister. And now this confirms that.

2)    The Night King that we know is not the original Night King!?

When we looked at the drawing of the white walkers in the cave below Dragonstone, we were surprised to see how detailed they were. From sunken bodies to blue eyes to the detailed crown of the Night king. On second glance though, we found another detail that didn’t made sense at all.

The normal white walkers looked exactly like the ones we have seen. With some long strands of white hair and short beard and all but the Night King himself had a shocking difference from the one we have seen.

Notice the unnaturally long beard the Night king has? The Night king we have seen doesn’t have a single strand of hair on his face. Then why would the children of the forest, who went into so much detail in their drawings, make such a stupid mistake?

Because it is not a mistake and the Night king that they fought had a long beard after all. This would suggest a game changing reveal that the Night king that is bringing the long night 8000 years later is in fact someone else and not the same king who led the white walkers 8000 years ago.

This theory is also supported by the fact that in the legend it is said that the hero defeated the Night king and brought dawn to the world. If the original Night king hadn’t perished back then, the long night would not have ended. And it is also curious that the white walkers decided to start showing up after 8000 years ago.  It is also curious that the white walkers decided to show up around the time when the supposedly prophesied hero had been born. But what could this mean to the story? Who is this new night king? And why did he decide to show up now?

Stay tuned so that you wouldn’t miss it when we try to find the answer to these question in our upcoming blogs.

Original work by - Revealing Identity

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